I was having a chat with my brother earlier. He asked me about the purpose of my videos, what my content strategy is, and what I want to achieve with them. He asked me if it was about generating leads for my business or getting people to my website. And he said, 'it's not really about the views, is it? I mean, if you've got a million views and you didn't get a single lead, would that mean anything?' And then he followed-up and he said: 'And if you got, say, 20 views, but 10 leads, what would that mean?'
And I thought, and then I just shouted at him 'Purpose!' I said it so forcefully we both just started laughing. I told him: 'both of those examples, they don't resonate with me. What resonates with me is if there were a million people that watched it. So it was like a million views, but 10 people contacted me and said, "wow, that helped. Thank you". That would be the thing'.
We talked about how I was asked to be a speaker last week for an amazing event by the Be You Network, run a phenomenal woman called Julie Nelson. It's this group of fantastic women who all come together and learn together. I was asked to talk about resilience and wellbeing. It was such a meaningful conversation. All of these women were so engaged with me. They were asking questions. I mean, they were REALLY asking questions. That they TRULY wanted the answers to. That was stuff around mindset. Feelings of being an impostor. The types of goals that you can set to achieve the things that you want to. It was around how you create and how you craft your wellbeing. Plus, how you prioritise your wellbeing.
That was stuff around mindset. Feelings of being an impostor. The types of goals that you can set to achieve the things that you want to. It was around how you create and how you craft your wellbeing. Plus, how you prioritise your wellbeing.
And I was saying to my brother, 'this whole journey for me started with being able to impact people on a one-to-one basis in the way I can, because of the things I've been through'. Those of you who know me will know that I've been through some significant setbacks in my life. Starting with complex trauma, followed by chronic physical and mental illness, which knocked out my education and my career late into my twenties. And this has left an impact on my life. But luckily, now the impact that it's left is one where I get to take all of that stuff that I've been through and use it as inspiration. And that inspiration enables me to be driven. I'm so DRIVEN! To find the stuff that works for me. Then find ways of communicating that. Translating that. Working-out what the codes are behind that. So, that I can share that with other people.
And that's really what I'm built for. And that's really what this whole journey is. That's what Growing Beyond is. That's the point. That's what Growing Beyond means. It means growing beyond limitations. It means growing beyond the narratives that you were given at birth. Growing beyond the life that you've woken-up in, that you just think, this isn't mine.
That's what growing beyond means. It means growing beyond limitations. It means growing beyond the narratives that you were given at birth. Growing beyond the life that you've woken up in that you just think, this isn't mine.
And that's really what it's about. It's about me being able to make an impact, based on the things that I've been through, and being able to use that to benefit other people.
And so, this is Growing Beyond. This is what it's about, and this is what I'm about.